Start with one of the llama body sides.I typically like to use hot glue for all of my cardboard projects, but with my son helping, we decided to just tape everything together with masking tape. So you could remove the tail in your sketch and just round off its rump, then add crepe paper, ribbon, or similar as a tail later. The actual loot llama has something more similar to streamers as a tail. For example, I made the tail one solid piece. Note: I didn't capture all the detail of the llama in the sketch, just the basic shape. More on why you do this in the next step. So I ended up with a grid on top of the sketch that was 3 squares wide by 4 squares tall. I did this both horizontally and vertically. Basically every 10 graph paper squares, I drew a line across the page. I drew a grid that represented 10x10 squares on the graph paper. Draw a grid on top of the llama sketch using some of the lines on the graph paper.Make a side profile sketch on a standard piece of grid paper (8-1/2 x 11) of your llama based on your own talent or something you find online.It also helped to search 'loot llama coloring page' because that gave me more two-dimensional(ish) options that made my sketch easier. Since I am not much of an artist, I searched online for the best images of the loot llama. Heavy duty scissors, like kitchen shears (also an alternative way to cut your cardboard).Cutting pad or scrap board to cut your cardboard on (your carpet or hardwood floor are not a good backing for cutting).Box knife or utility knife (these cut cardboard the best and you don't have to worry about dulling a good pocket knife or pair of scissors).Notebook paper (better if its graph paper) and pencil.Small piece of Velcro (or whatever the non-branded name is.hook and loop?).Black permanent marker to draw in some details.I used tissue paper for the lavender and dark blue on the head and legs and construction paper everywhere else. (I actually used a mixture of both based on the colors I needed. Lots of construction paper or tissue paper in the colors that you need.Size will vary depending on how large you make yours. Several pieces of cardboard (I used a box that had two unbent sides that measured a minimum of 20"x30", for the sides of the llama).You just need cardboard and construction and/or tissue paper and some glue. Take advantage of the collaboration between Jujutsu Kaisen and Fortnite, and have fun completing these challenges while enjoying the game.There really isn't a lot to this build other than time to mark and cut it all out. The Belong Treaty Grade 4 Quest Bundle offers more stages to earn XP in Creator Made Islands. There are also Discover quests that involve earning XP in Creator Made Islands. Additionally, there are other Grade Four quests that you can complete, such as collecting items, dealing damage to opponents, visiting different named locations, searching chests or ammo boxes, traveling on foot, and more. This event will last for four weeks, so be sure to check out all the Break the Curse challenges that will be available. If you are playing in a group, ensure that everyone in the party deals some damage before finishing it off. You don’t have to be the one who lands the killing blow, but the llama you are hunting needs to be eliminated. When you come across a Cursed Llama, simply shoot it. The spawn rate for these llamas is high, so it shouldn’t take long to find and eliminate three of them. To complete this challenge, all you need to do is play any match as normal, and you will eventually encounter a Curse Llama during your travels. They will be marked on the minimap, making them easy to track when you are close. What sets them apart is the swirling energy surrounding them and the unusual sounds they make while they move. These cursed llamas can be found almost anywhere on the island, just like normal llamas. One of the Grade Four challenges involves hunting Cursed Llamas. Jujutsu Kaisen and Fortnite have collaborated to introduce new cosmetics and challenges to the game.