Are N.E.W.T.s required for Beyond Hogwarts?Ī. Platform standards and guidelines will continue to be followed. As with each new content release, there will be additional file space required on your device in order to continue supporting the game. Will the Beyond Hogwarts expansion affect the ability to run the game?Ī. Is Beyond Hogwarts an entire new app or just an update?Ī.

Players who are in Year 1-7 will be able to continue playing the game without impact. After completing Year 7, you will be able to access the continued Beyond Hogwarts story, just as you have progressed through years at Hogwarts. You must complete Year 7 to access Beyond Hogwarts. Can I access Beyond Hogwarts if I have not yet completed Year 7?Ī. Luckily, at the second try they were able to perform their games.Q. Resilience, because on the planned day of the games, the weather was so bad that they had to cancel and postpone…. The children and their teacher, Evelyn, organized their own highland games and learned about sports, dancing, friendship, and resilience. While centered on competitions in piping, drumming, dancing and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic cultures. And it’s no wonder when you experience the sense of community, heritage and celebration at each of Scotland’s Highland games. Highland games have been a part of Scotland’s culture for hundreds of years and are just as popular today as they’ve ever been. The children came up with the highland games.

Evelyn used this to teach about heritage and reading (Harry Potter stories), but also about math and chemistry (creating magic potions and measuring out ingredients).Īs this way of teaching (shall we call it CULTURE UNITED teaching?!) worked so well, during the 3 rd year Evelyn asked the children what they would like to do in terms of ‘getting an event inside of their classroom’. Needless to say, these actions got the kids’ creativity and imagination flowing. In the middle of a class, you would suddenly scream (because yes: Evelyn really screams when she gets enthusiastic!) “LOOK! I JUST SAW HEDWIG AT THE WINDOWSILL!” Using Harry Potter as a theme, Evelyn told stories and created ‘mysteries’ in her class to get the children creative and curious. Rowling, wrote many of the Harry Potter books and she has lived in Edinburgh since 1993. Edinburgh is the city where the writer of Harry Potter, J.K. The theme they produced was Harry Potter, as he might as well be just as famous and as Scottish as poet Robert Burns was. As Covid meant that Burns and Beyond could not happen during year 2 of CULTURE UNITED, she simply organized an event INSIDE her classroom with her pupils. “It was so much fun and exciting I learned things I didn’t know before!”Īpart from the Burns and Beyond event that was organized by the Edinburgh Partners (Unique Events, Edinburgh City Council, and 3 primary schools in Edinburgh) in year one, Evelyn organized two other events with her class. But more importantly, they asked the children of Evelyn’s class (P7) what they found of the project and how their experience was!

They showed the learning materials and resources created during 3 years of CULTURE UNITED to the teachers and talked about their experiences and the experiences of their peer teachers from Oulu (Finland), Leeuwarden (The Netherlands) and Dundalk (Ireland). Lorna McDonald from Edinburgh City Council and Evelyn Moore, a teacher at Flora Stevenson Primary School, organized the Multiplier Event for CULTURE UNITED in Edinburgh! They invited teachers from primary schools in the region to share information and learning materials about the CULTURE UNITED project, which is coming to an end this month. Burns and Beyond, Harry Potter and Highland games